Number 1 provider of human talent within technology & life science


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Healthcare Compliance Senior Specialist, ( Associated Director ) Ascendis Pharma / 1881 / CLOSED/ CLOSED

As a key member of the Ascendis Pharma Compliance team, you will play a crucial role in building and maintaining the Corporate Compliance Program, and all that entails. This is an exiting and challenging opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment, where you collaborate with cross-functional, global teams working together to achieve extraordinary results.

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2 engagerede EHS & Sustainability Specialists, Xellia / 1876, CLOSED

For at styrke og sikre virksomhedens EHS-strategi, vil du i rollen som EHS Specialist blive ansvarlig for sitets programmer, enten inden for arbejdsmiljø eller miljø. Du skal sikre, at virksomheden lever op til gældende standarder og krav for at beskytte sundhed og sikkerhed for virksomhedens ansatte. Ligesom du skal være medvirkende til at sikre miljøet og minimere Xellia's risiko for uheld.

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Service Technician, Laboratory/ 1866 / CLOSED

The role is to provide direct and outstanding service primarily in Denmark and Sweden, as they are the biggest markets, however you also cover Norway and Faroe Islands.

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Senior Design Control Engineer, Design Control and Risk Management, ALK / 1873, CLOSED

As Senior Design Control Engineer, you will be joining a team of medical device engineers and scientists working in the cross-field between device development, production transfer and technical support to the production site. The position requires extensive experience with development of medical devices with focus on design control and risk management.

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Head of QA, Medical Device, Carmo / 1865 / CLOSED

As Head of QA Function, you are responsible for all QA tasks including QC within the company. You must ensure that the area operates optimally, efficiently, and adds value to the company. Your workday will be characterized by many assignments and often presents exiting challenges. The company is developing customized solutions within Medical Devices and therefore you must be skilled within the area and a motivational sparring partner and leader. You have a strategic and a business-oriented mindset without compromising the QA area. You secure optimal communication with external partners and between QA, QC and with other departments including the management group.

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Fabrikschef GMP Pharma, BIOFAC / 1860 CLOSED

Som Fabrikschef med direkte reference til den Administrerende Direktør, bliver du den øverst ansvarlige for Orthana fabrikken i Kastrup, som er en del af BIOFAC A/S, dens udvikling samt Teknisk Afdeling i Kastrup. Dine primære opgaver bliver at sørge for stabil drift og hensigtsmæssig planlægning af produktionen, dvs. sikre rettidig levering til markedet, med fokus på kvalitet og rentabilitet. Du skal være indstillet på en dynamisk hverdag, hvor mange variabler spiller ind i afviklingen af produktionen i en virksomhed, der er drevet af et stærkt kommercielt mindset. Dette stiller krav til din fleksibilitet og omstillingsparathed. Derudover skal du være den drivende kraft i fabrikkens fortsatte arbejde med stigende GMP-niveau og udvikling af stadigt mere forædlede produkter.

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Therapeutic Area Specialist, Merck/ 1878 / CLOSED

Som Terapeutic Area Specialist (TAS) får du i eget distrikt det fulde ansvar for salg af Merck’s produkter til offentlige og private fertilitetsklinikker beliggende i Jylland og på Fyn. Du bliver ansvarlig for at analysere og segmentere dine kunder baseret på deres potentiale, mål og interesser. Således planlægger, prioriterer og gennemfører du selvstændigt alle aktiviteter. Det betyder, at du præsenterer videnskabelige data, planlægger uddannelsesmøder, servicerer, uddanner og rådgiver dine kunder i forhold til Merck’s produkter og dermed spiller en vigtig rolle for virksomhedens fortsatte succes inden for fertilitetsområdet.

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Technical Sales Manager, Pharma, Brenntag / 1871 /CLOSED

On behalf of Brenntag Nordic A/S, Best Talent is now looking for a Technical Sales Manager, Pharma covering the Pharmaceutical business in Denmark.

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Senior QA Specialist, Validation, Ferrosan Medical Devices / 1864/ CLOSED

Ferrosan Medical Devices is expanding their QA organisation, and they are looking for a new colleague that is passionate about Quality and production of Medical Devices. They are a team of dedicated QA specialists and technicians who support their production and ensure compliance in their documentation.

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Analytical QC Specialist, Ascendis Pharma / 1872 / CLOSED

As a key member of the Ascendis Pharma team, you will play a crucial role in coordinating analytical matters between Ascendis Pharma and specified Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs). This is an exciting opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment, collaborate with cross-functional, global teams working together to achieve extraordinary results. You will report to the Senior Director, QC Biologics.

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Projektleder Pharma, teknisk tovholder, i2r / 1826 / CLOSED

I rollen som Projektleder bliver du involveret i meget spændende projekter og indgår i et team med engagerede og kompetente kollegaer. Alle har høj faglighed enten inden for maskindesign og robotteknologi og/eller inden for procesanlæg, hvor man leverer løsninger primært til pharmaindustrien.

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Compliance Specialist, GMP Pharma, BIOFAC / 1867 / CLOSED

Du får en vigtig rolle i produktionen, hvor du tager ansvar for at være med til at sikre fabrikkens målsætninger. Herunder at løfte fabrikken til et endnu højere GMP-niveau, hvor du går forrest i optimeringen af GMP. Du nyder at arbejde med compliance, ”Controlling procedures” i produktionen, myndighedskrav, risikoanalyser, procesevaluering samt inspektioner. Du tilbydes masser af faglige udfordringer med varierende og spændende arbejdsopgaver, som du løser sammen med dine andre engagerede kollegaer.

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Senior QA Specialist – Validation & IT/OT, Ferrosan Medical Devices, 1863 / CLOSED

Ferrosan Medical Devices is expanding their QA organisation, and they are looking for a new colleague that is passionate about Quality and production of Medical Devices. They are a department of dedicated QA Specialists who support their projects and ensure compliance in their documentation.

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2 Senior QA Specialists, Audit Internal & External, Ferrosan Medical Devices/ 1862 / CLOSED

Are you passionate about performing audits? And are you excellent at creating great relations with Supply Chain Management? Grab this opportunity to join a rapidly growing company, ready to invest in you. Ferrosan Medical Devices is expanding and are looking for 2 colleagues to cover the areas of internal and supplier audits as well as supplier quality management related tasks.

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Senior Broingeniør, Bro og Anlæg, AFRY / 1854 / CLOSED

AFRY oplever stor positiv vækst og du får en vigtig rolle inden for fremtidens infrastrukturløsninger. Som faglig ekspert får du en afgørende rolle på projekterne med andre dygtige kollegaer som dine sparringspartnere. Den nuværende portefølje rummer f.eks. flere spændende broprojekter for Vejdirektoratet, kommunale kunder, byggemodninger, anlægsprojekter for pharma kunder, perron samt bane- og broprojekter for Banedanmark.

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Corporate QA Specialist, Missionpharma / 1858 / CLOSED

In this position you will be an important and central part of securing that Missionpharma delivers the right level of quality for all their products to people in need all over the world through their customers as UN, international help organisations and public institutions. You will help ensuring that the global approvals and certifications related to quality are in place. You will maintain and develop quality assurance, so it reflects the actual operation, costumer demands, strategic plans and company structure. You will help ensure the appropriate framing of the quality policies and systems including criteria, level of compliance, processes related to site and product qualification, product registration, GDP and ISO.

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Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist, 2Care4Generics / 1857 / CLOSED

2care4 Generics offers an exciting position within a dedicated company that is characterized by high quality, result orientation and speedy realization of the product in the value chain. You will be given the opportunity to put your mark on the job and lots of opportunities for personal and professional development. Since 2care4 Generics experiences rapid growth, there will be good career opportunities within the organization. You will be reporting to the Head of Regulatory Affairs & Pharmacovigilance.

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Senior Principal Regulatory Specialist, ALK / 1852 CLOSED

Are you willing to challenge the status quo and embark on a transformational journey in a pharma company with an ambitious growth target in the years to come? Do you like strategy while keeping an eye on operational excellence? Do you have solid experience in working within Regulatory Affairs?

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Maskiningeniør GMP Pharma, BIOFAC / 1856 / CLOSED

BIOFAC A/S udvider, og som Maskiningeniør bliver du en aktiv og proaktiv medspiller i projekter vedrørende om-og nybygning af procesudstyr med stor mulighed for at gøre din faglighed gældende. Det er en spændende rolle og afhængig af dine styrker og kompetencer, vil der være stor alsidighed i de opgaver, som du vil live stillet overfor: Fra design, montage, kvalificering, CE-mærkning af procesudstyr og anlæg til vedligeholdelse af maskindokumentation samt håndtering af afvigelser og ændringer.

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Senior Specialist Regulatory Affairs, CathVision / 1855 / CLOSED

Founded in 2013, they are revolutionising the field of cardiology and empowering cardiologists to redefine treatment of cardiac arrythmias. Their ECGenius™ System acquires high-fidelity, low-noise cardiac electrograms that allow cardiologists to diagnose and treat complex atrial arrhythmias with unprecedented precision, including challenging conditions like atrial fibrillation (AF).

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Salgskonsulent Apotek, Apotekernes A.m.b.a / 1848 / CLOSED

Som Salgskonsulent bliver du ansvarlig for salgs- og forretningsudviklingen af mærket ”apotekets” på apotekerne i eget distrikt. Det er et spændende job med en afvekslende og udfordrende hverdag, hvor du i høj grad selv er med til at sætte dagsordenen.

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Senior Scientist, Lead Downstream Process Development, Biosyntia / 1851/CLOSED

You will be responsible for the development of scale-up and scale-down methods and models to provide predictive process parameters for manufacturing scale and cost analysis. You will spend 60% of your time in the laboratories and be supported by initially one Technician. The team is expected to grow as the company matures and you have the ambition and potential to become Team Leader.

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Senior CMC Specialist, Upstream Processing, Genmab / 1849/CLOSED

As the Senior Upstream Processing (USP) Subject Matter Expert (SME), you will be responsible for USP activities performed at Genmab’s partnered CMO´s, and work across project teams to support the CMC Project Manager. You will also work closely with other SME’s for e.g. downstream processing, analytical validation, and characterization. With great energy you will join Genmab’s growth journey and contribute with your upstream experiences.

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Senior Software Developer, GEA / 1850/CLOSED

The purpose of the role is to help GEA´s customers step into the digital age and secure optimization of their production lines. You play an important key role on this journey, as you will be responsible for developing the software for the customers representing international top-level companies, within brewery, dairy, food, and pharma etc.

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Quality Specialist Operation Support Team, Ferrosan Medical Devices / 1853 / CLOSED

Do you want to be part of a company, that makes a difference in surgical care – then grab this opportunity to join Ferrosan Medical Devices. The company is ready to invest in you and will support your development and help you grow your skills. As a QA Specialist you will impact the daily production of their products - the heart of Ferrosan Medical Devices.

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Project Manager, GMP Pharma, GEA / 1841/CLOSED

As a Project Manager you will be responsible for running the projects primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from contract negotiations and contract management to the final takeover of the plant according to the GEA Project Management plan.

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QA Specialist, Biofac / 1842 / CLOSED

Biofac udvider og som QA Specialist vil du indgå i et team der er ansvarlig for virksomhedens opgaver og ansvar indenfor QA, QC samt RA. Du vil blive ansvarlig for at sikre at QA-funktionen altid lever op til myndighedernes krav samtidig med at du løbende optimerer indenfor dit ansvarsområde i forbindelse med virksomhedens daglige drift og vækst. Du vil i rollen gå forrest og i dit samarbejde med de øvrige medarbejdere i teamet og på en naturlig måde være med til at sikre vidensdeling, proaktivitet og høj faglighed på sitet i Kastrup. Du bliver en del af et mindre team, der udover dig består af Head of QA/QC/RA og øvrige QA-Specialister som er tilknyttet de forskellige fabrikker. Teamet fokuserer på at støtte og hjælpe hinanden i en uformel og rummelig virksomhedskultur. Et stærkt fællesskab hvor vidensdeling og samarbejde på tværs er helt centrale værdier for fortsat udvikling og hvor alle tager ansvar for at gøre deres bedste.

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Associated Director Regulatory Affairs, Medical Devices, CathVision / 1845 / CLOSED

The QA/RA team is responsible for developing the regulatory strategy, preparing submission, and maintaining the licences to operate for the products. This is a great opportunity to join a growing team working in a fast pace and multidisciplinary environment.

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Area Sales Manager, Nordics, MEQU / 1843

As Area Sales Manager, you will become a part of an innovative company on its way to global success. °MEQU offers great opportunities for both professional and personal development for the right candidate. The team has direct sales as well as sales via distributors in Europe. You will focus on Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, and will be joining a great team with big plans for development. Their ambitions are high, and they will ensure interesting projects in a nice environment and focus on cross functional collaboration to make the team a success. The business culture is characterised by being people-oriented and all employees are team-players who are willing to reach a shared goal by helping each other. The internal working relationship is open, informal and trust based.

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VP of Software Development, Perfusion Tech / 1846 / CLOSED

Would you like to improve surgical outcome and save time, money, and patient lives, are you experienced with development of medical device products, and do you thrive working in an agile organization where you can impact things, then you may be the new VP of Software development.

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Senior El-Ingeniør, AFRY / 1840 / CLOSED

Du bliver projektansvarlig indenfor el, hvor du arbejder som projektleder i større og mindre tværfaglige projekter med fokus på ydelser til kunder med større procesanlæg, primært i Pharma og Food industrien. Som projektleder bliver du ansvarlig for design, budgetrapportering mv. Som Senior El-ingeniør/installatør fungerer du både i rollen som rådgiver og bygherrerådgiver og har et betydeligt fagligt ansvar indenfor det eltekniske område, herunder projektering af el-tekniske installationer og tilsyn, samt udarbejdelse af el-teknisk dokumentation, IO lister og testplaner.

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Sustainability Sales Manager, GEA / 1837 / CLOSED

As Sales Manager in the Sustainability Task Force group, you will be responsible for the management of sales projects between 1-50 million DKK. in collaboration with local GEA offices and partners. Finding the right sustainability solution for a customer involves process and plant specification, cost and sales price setting, preparation of quotations, as well as final contract negotiations with customers.

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Quality and Documentation Supporter, GEA / 1836 / CLOSED

I rollen som Quality and Documentation Supporter bliver du en del af kvalificeringsgruppen hos GEA Pharma team. Gruppen fungerer som en vigtig supportfunktion, der understøtter de igangværende kundeprojekter samt de ansvarlige projektledere. Du vil assistere projektledere med mindre administrative opgaver samt rådgivning inden for dokumentering. Desuden vil du supportere med indsamling af kvalificeringsdokumentation til vores FAT-dokumentationspakke for både Pharma og fødevareanlæg.

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Senior/ Principal CMC Development Scientist , Synklino / 1835/CLOSED

We are looking for a CMC Scientist who would like to take his/her career to the next level. Synklino recently initiated development of the first drug candidate and has initiated CMC development and manufacture at a European CMO. Synklino does not have internal GMP operations but supports oversight of external GMP activities. Synklino is working with most of their activities outsourced, though with an internal lab for early CMC development, Discovery and Pharmacology. As CMC Scientist you are the natural key player in the CMC development activities.

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Senior/ Principal Scientist Pharmacology & Biology, Synklino / 1834/CLOSED

Will you have a unique opportunity to take part in building a strong and valuable anti-viral Biotech company and if you are an ambitious and experienced Pharmacology/Biology Scientist, you might be the right fit! We seek a Scientist to help advance Synklinos lead candidate through pre-clinical development towards an IND/CTA, and to shape their developing technology platform.

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Senior Quality Specialist Business Support Team, Medical Devices, Ferrosan / 1833/CLOSED

You will be part of a team of dedicated QA specialists who support all development projects and secure the products compliance with documentation. You will be part of a company, that makes a difference in surgical care and participate in projects both as a subject matter expert and as an approver of documentation.

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Manager of Quality Assurance Operation Support Team, Medical Devices, Ferrosan Medical Devices / 1832 / CLOSED

Your role will be to lead the QA Operations Support Team. The team will report directly to you, and you will secure that they will delivery on the daily tasks and priorities which are set. You will work closely with your stakeholders in operation. An important task is to set direction on deviation handling and participate in selected deviations. Together with the QA Director you will secure that QA’s overall objectives are met, and the strategic goals are achieved.

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Strategic Purchaser, GEA / 1831 / CLOSED

As Strategic Purchaser for GEA your work will be multidisciplinary, and you will be in contact with a lot of project engineers and suppliers at various GEA sites all over the world. You will be involved in obtaining quotations, negotiating supplier contracts, procuring services and components as well as keeping track of the consumption of hours.

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Senior Drug Product Specialist, Zealand Pharma / 1830 / CLOSED

You will be involved in all early- stage development of Drug Products and combination products to and including phase 2. You will together with the team to ensure progress on development activities and create a fun, engaging and empowered working environment. You will have high influence on decisions as most of the power lies in the project.

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Skilled Microbiome Scientist, DSM / 1829 / CLOSED

As Microbiome Scientist, you will be a key part of a diverse team in Hørsholm and Copenhagen. Being a microbiome expert, you will support the team with your microbiology knowledge. You will be responsible for designing and executing microbiology related experiments using different in vitro tools to demonstrate health benefits of different HMOs in terms of microbiome modulation, microbial metabolite production and host microbiome interaction. You will make sure to process, analyze and report your experimental work aiming to publish in peer reviewed journals or collaborate with IP colleagues to apply for patents where relevant.

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Senior Manager for Freeze Drying, GEA / 1825/CLOSED

The Challenge is to design and develop Freeze-Drying solutions worldwide In this role, you focus on leading the team and secure and drive the overall product engineering of Freeze-Drying solutions for continuous Freeze-Drying plants.

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Produktionschef GMP Pharma, Orthana / 1828 / CLOSED

Som Produktionschef får du det daglige ansvar for produktionen, hvor du altid fokuserer på en effektiv planlægning, stabil drift, rettidig levering og høj kvalitet. Din primære rolle bliver at sikre, at produktionen gennemføres i forhold til de aftalte planer og de gældende leveringsterminer. Du får ansvaret for at sikre optimal og effektiv produktion via din planlægning, som naturligvis sker i samarbejde med fabrikschefen og teamlederne.

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Corporate QA Specialist, Missionpharma / 1823/CLOSED

In this new position you will be an important and central part of securing that Missionpharma delivers the right level of quality for all their products to people in need all over the world through their customers as UN, international help organisations and public institutions. You will help ensuring that the global approvals and certifications related to quality are in place. You will maintain and develop quality assurance, so it reflects the actual operation, costumer demands, strategic plans and company structure. You will help ensure the appropriate framing of the quality policies and systems including criteria, level of compliance, processes related to site and product qualification, product registration, GDP and ISO.

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R&D Engineer / Tool Designer Medico, Carmo / 1819 / CLOSED

Du vil indgå i teamet for Rapid Prototyping, hvor fokus er på design af prototype sprøjtestøbe værktøjer som skal kunne 3D printes, samt fremtages i stål hertil. Du skal løbende videreudvikle Carmo’s prototype Mould-Base-Systemer. Rådgivende i forhold til fremtagning af produktionssprøjtestøbe værktøjer.

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Senior Automation Engineer & Teknisk tovholder, i2r / 1822 / CLOSED

I rollen som Senior Automation Engineer vil du blive involveret i meget spændende projekter og indgå i et team med engagerede og kompetente kollegaer, der alle har høj faglighed inden for automation, IT og robotteknologi. Der er stor vidensdeling og samarbejde på tværs i organisationen. I rollen vil du få en bred kontaktflade både internt og eksternt, hvor du indgår i dialog og opgaveløsning på tværs og med mange interessante kunder og samarbejdspartnere.

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Cost Configuration Specialist, GEA / 1820 / CLOSED

As the new Cost Configuration Specialist at GEA you will be one of the main drivers in defining how cost calculations will be managed within the TECH organization. This position will allow you to contribute with your expert knowledge to the overall set-up and identify areas where changes in product design can have a major impact on cost and sourcing. The subject of cost calculation can be anything from manual labour for welding, cutting, milling to the raw materials used to build components. This means that the tasks will vary every day.

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2 Calibration Technicians, Production & process Support, in Manufacturing Support, ALK / 1821 / CLOSED

I teamet får du 2 dygtige og erfarne kalibreringsteknikere som dine nærmeste kolleger. Du bliver selv en afgørende nøgleperson i forhold til kalibrering af utility-og kalibreringsudstyr i produktionen i Hørsholm. De daglige opgaver går typisk på tværs af 3 produktionsområder, forskning og udvikling samt CMC-områder, hvorfor du forstår at begå dig på alle niveauer og kommunikere på tværs af organisationen.

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Senior IM Process Specialist Medico, Carmo / 1818 / CLOSED

I stillingen arbejder du primært med systematisk procesoptimering, hvor du samtidig fungerer som teknisk procesansvarlig imellem produktudvikling, projekteksekvering, produktion samt QA. Du sikrer bedst mulig produktionsimplementering af nye produkter, hvor du fungerer som Senior Proces Specialist på eksterne og interne projekter. Du prioriterer arbejdsopgaver i samarbejde med projektledere i afdelingen, produktionschef, salg og udvikling via løbende statusmøder. Derudover bliver du involveret i indkøb af udstyr til brug i virksomheden, ligesom du har dialogen med for dit område relevante leverandører.

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Associate Director, BioAnalytics, ALK / 1815 7 CLOSED

Som Associate Director, BioAnalytics, ALK, bliver du en del af Analytical Development, og får ansvaret for et team på 8. Du er et dedikeret menneske, som interessere sig for ledelse og samtidig er faglig nysgerrig og kompetent. Du får ansvaret for at motivere et dedikeret team, som arbejder i grænsefladen mellem forskning, GMP og GCP, og har en række spændende laboratorieopgaver.

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Senior Project Manager GMP Pharma Technical and commercial Project Execution, GEA/ 1813

As a Project Manager you will be responsible for running the projects primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from contract negotiations, contract management to the final takeover of the plant according to the GEA Project Management plan. You work in a complex field which requires a technical know-how and a natural interest in solving technical challenges and finding solutions on site and with the clients. As you are lead responsible for the facilitation of the installation and in the commissioning of the plant, you have an important stakeholder role both externally and internally with significant interactions.

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IT Validation & Qualification Specialist Global CMC Development, ALK / 1817/CLOSED

Du vil komme til at arbejde med kvalificering af instrumenter og udstyr samt validering af computersystemer (CSV). Dette kræver udarbejdelse af kvalifikationsdokumentation og udførelse af kvalifikationstest i samarbejde med slutbrugerne. Arbejdet arrangeres primært som små projekter med en varighed på 3-8 måneder. Når valideringen og kvalificeringen er afsluttet, overdrages systemet til slutbrugerne til daglig drift.

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Project Manager Technical Project Execution, GEA / 1814

As a Project Manager you will be responsible for one or more projects primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from contract negotiations to the final takeover of the plant according to the GEA Project Management plan. You will facilitate the installation and take the lead in the commissioning of the plant. You work in a complex field which requires both a technical know-how and interest in solving technical challenges and finding solutions on site. You work in a highly detailed and structured way ensuring all regulations etc. and at the same time you also find the solutions and do hands-on work when required.

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Senior RA Specialist for Label & Traceability, BK Medical / 1812 / CLOSED

Do you dream of a job where you are part of a great team, and at the same time open for an exciting international career opportunity for yourself? You will be part of a group that ensures BK Medical products are timely registered to be provided to their global customers. You will plan regulatory label strategy and execute and review documents with the aim of registering products Class I - III globally.

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Senior R&D Medical Device Engineer, Zealand Pharma A/S, 1811 / CLOSED

You have a passion for medical device development and are motivated by understanding the user-situation and the user-needs. You have a drive to secures a high-quality user experience. The job includes execution and support to device development, device manufacturing and lifecycle management improvement projects for drug delivery devices.

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QA Team Leader, QA Production Support, ALK / 1810 / CLOSED

Teamet i QA bestræber sig konstant på at gøre kvalitet simpelt og intuitivt. Brænder du for ledelse med et bredt fagligt felt i QA og er du ambitiøs og dygtig til alsidige problemstillinger indenfor produktion, QC og forsyningsenheder, så er du den næste kompetente leder af QA Teamet.

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QA Specialist, QA for QC Commercial Department, Ascendis Pharma A/S / 1809 / CLOSED

Your role will specifically focus on QA oversight of outsourced analytical testing for starting materials, intermediates, Drug Substance and Drug Product. You will support and conduct review- and approval of i.e., analytical documentation, quality system records such as deviations, change controls and CAPAs and other operational related documentation. Moreover, you contribute actively to the department relevant projects such as continuous upgrades of quality systems SOPs, support launch activities, execution of regular quality management reviews, IT projects etc. Finally, you work to ensure continuous good relations and alignment with CMOs worldwide and stay updated with insights into their methods and processes.

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Associated Director Device Development and support Global CMC development, ALK / 1802 / CLOSED

As Associated Director you will be responsible for a team of engineers and scientists working in a cross-field between device development and life cycle management as well as production transfer and technical support to the production site. You will be joining colleagues that are highly skilled and have vast experience in their field of expertise and there for you have focus on leadership, setting clear directions, prioritizing, manage resources and the team’s performance & well-being

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RA Team leader, Global Registration, BK Medical / 1808 / CLOSED

Do you want to lead a team of 8 dedicated people to secure safe and effective new products within intraoperative ultrasound imaging around the globe? It is a new challenging position in a rapidly increasing organization, and we are looking for a RA Team leader with drive and energy to join the Global Registration Team. The team is situated in Denmark (Herlev), USA (Boston) and in China (Shanghai).

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Director, QA Commercial Drug Substance, Ascendis Pharma A/S / 1807/ CLOSED

As Director, QA Commercial Drug Substance, you will lead a team responsible for the oversight of drug substance manufacturing at our CMOs (Contract Manufacturing Organizations). You will become a part of a dynamic and competent department, contributing to the development of the QA Commercial organization and get the opportunity to contribute with your knowledge and experience.

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Senior QA Professional, ALK / 1806

Teamet i QA bestræber sig konstant på at gøre kvalitet simpelt og intuitivt. Du vil blive involveret i projekter, men ud over det, består jobbet også af review og godkendelse af CMC-dokumentation, fremstillingsdokumentation, batch records, afvigelsesrapporter, ændringssager, PPQ-protokoller og rapporter samt QA-support til registreringsprocessen. Du bliver derfor involveret i mange spændende problemstillinger, og brænder for at yde support.

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Head of Business Unit Pharma, Öresund Region, AFRY / 1805 /CLOSED

Can you think strategically, create coherence cross the sectors and secure the continued favourable development in new and existing investment areas? The Business Unit has great growth potential, and you can become the next valuable member of the Management Team. As the new Business Unit Manager, you will lead the development of the Life Science business with both existing and new customer relationships in the Öresund Region.

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QA Specialist, BIOFAC A/S / 1804 / CLOSED

Biofac udvider og som QA Specialist vil du indgå i et team der er ansvarlig for virksomhedens opgaver og ansvar indenfor QA, QC samt RA. Du vil blive ansvarlig for at sikre at QA-funktionen altid lever op til myndighedernes krav samtidig med at du løbende optimerer indenfor dit ansvarsområde i forbindelse med virksomhedens daglige drift og vækst.

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Executive Assistant , Best Talent / 1803 / CLOSED

Du starter med grundig oplæring for at lære vores forretning at kende. Du bliver således den ”røde tråd” gennem alle vores rekrutteringsprocesser. Du vil få ansvaret for, at dagligdagen på kontoret forløber optimalt. Du assisterer f.eks. konsulenterne i deres opgaver inden for rekruttering. Ligesom du har en central rolle og arbejder meget selvstændigt med den administrative side af marketing, jobannoncering, responsbehandling og kunde- og kandidathåndtering. Du har dagligt kontakt til vores kandidater, kunder og samarbejdspartnere

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Area Sales Manager, East, Micrel / 1796 / CLOSED

Your experience and ability to sell and build long term partnerships with your customers will be crucial for the development and growth of this position. You will visit the main hospital departments and specialties within Anesthesiology, Surgery, Gastroenterology, Oncology, and Neurology etc. and your customers are an exciting group of nurses and leading doctors. You will be responsible for a world class range of products within infusion, well known at the hospitals and recognized for the high quality. You will plan, prioritize, and execute your activities in your own district, but at the same time cooperate and cover the hospitals at Funen and southern of Jutland together with you colleague. You will implement sales campaigns and give input to tenders. You are good at teaching and are used to give instructions and able to talk with people at all levels in the hospitals.

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Project Director of CMC & Device, Zealand Pharma A/S / 1801 / CLOSED

You will lead all late- stage development of Drug Substance, Drug Products and Device on one or two strategic projects. You will together with your team ensure progress on development activities and create a fun, engaging and empowered working environment. You will have high influence on decisions as most of the power lies in the project and not in the line.

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Teknisk Projektleder GMP, Holm & Halby / 1800 / CLOSED

I samarbejde med kunder og kollegaer, varetager du den tekniske projektledelse som fx proces, hvilket betyder udvikling, tegning, konstruktion samt dimensionering og beregning af systemer primært til den farmaceutiske industri og hospitalssektoren, men også andre brancher i Danmark er i målgruppen.

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Key Account Manager, Théa Danmark / 1797 / CLOSED

Som Key Account Manager får du i eget distrikt det fulde ansvar for salg af Théas produkter til øjenlæger, optikere samt apoteker beliggende i Jylland. Du planlægger, prioriterer og gennemfører selvstændigt alle aktiviteter. Det betyder, at du servicerer, uddanner og rådgiver dine kunder i forhold til Théas produkter.

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Proces & EHS Specialist Pharma GMP, Syntese / 1795 / CLOSED

For at styrke og sikre virksomhedens EHS-strategi, vil du i rollen som EHS Specialist blive ansvarlig for Engineering området og implementering af processer i selve produktionen på virksomhedens site i Hvidovre. Du bliver i rollen ansvarlig for koordinering og implementering af diverse EHS-aktiviteter i fuld overensstemmelse med virksomhedens strategiske mål for området.

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Solution Seller, Askalon / 1794 / CLOSED

The Solution Seller assists customers by identifying the best solutions for their applications, offers and sells complete product and services solutions, provides commercial and technical support to customers, always aiming to provide the highest standards of customer service. All in close cooperation with peers, Outside Sales, Service and Business Development Managers. Additionally, you will work with suppliers and support internally across functions with order handling when the need is there.

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Manager of QA, BHS Logistics / 1793 / CLOSED

As the Manager of QA leading a small team, you will hold the key competence within quality oversight of shipping and distribution processes. You lead the QA area as responsible for the daily operations, further development, qualification and validation of cold chain and distribution area. This means that you will have a role with many different tasks and many stakeholders internally and externally.

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Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Medical Devices/1792/CLOSED

Do you want to secure safe and effective new products for Health Care Providers utilizing intraoperative ultrasound imaging around the globe? It is a new position in a rapidly increasing organization and on behalf of BK Medical, Best Talent is now looking for a Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist with drive and energy to join the Regulatory Affairs team. You will be part of the global team who is situated in Denmark (Herlev), USA (Boston) and in China (Shanghai).

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QA Specialist til Pharma GMP Jylland, Danipharm / 1789 / CLOSED

Som virksomhedens lokale QA og QC Specialist vil du få ansvaret for implementering og vedligeholdelse af GMP på fabrikkerne i Jylland ligesom vi gerne ser at du bliver ansvarlig for frigivelse af API og lægemidler. Du vil blive ansvarlig for at sikre at QA-funktionen altid lever op til myndighedernes krav samtidig med at du løbende optimerer indenfor dit ansvarsområde i forbindelse med virksomhedens daglige drift og vækst.

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Compliance Specialist GMP, Orthana / 1788 / Closed

Du trives med at tage ansvar og spille en nøglerolle i produktionen og er dermed med til at sikre fabrikkens målsætninger og løfte fabrikken til et endnu højere niveau. Du går forrest i optimeringen af GMP og gør dit bedste sammen med dine kollegaer. Du bliver en del af et team, der består af fabrikschef, produktionschef, kemikere, teamledere og 18 energiske operatører. Gruppen fokuserer på at støtte hinanden i en uformel og rummelig virksomhedskultur med et stærkt fagligt fællesskab, hvor vidensdeling og samarbejde på tværs af organisationen er helt centrale værdier for den fortsatte udvikling.

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Finance Manager, Ropox / 1791/ CLOSED

You will play a key role driving change initiatives while also leading the change of the business improvement program. The role offers great opportunities to contribute with process improvements, cost savings and driving development projects for the better of the company. The role will provide huge opportunities to evolve the business and for developing your own skills.

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Sales Manager Europe, Ropox/1790 / CLOSED

Can you think strategically, create coherence cross border, and secure the continued favourable development in new and existing markets? The European market has great growth potential, and you will be given the responsibility to develop both the direct sales and a new distribution network in Europe. You will also have direct influence and responsibility on developing a German organisation. As the new Sales Manager Europe, you will lead the development of the business both within existing and new customer relationships.

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Clinical Project/Trial Manager, Synklino / 1787 / CLOSED

Are you an operational superstar? Would you like to have a unique opportunity to take part in building a strong and valuable anti-viral Biotech company heading for an IPO? Synklino recently initiated development of their first drug candidate, and the project is planned to enter into clinical trials in the first half of 2023. In this position you will drive, and manage clinical phase 1 and early phase 2 trials. The trials will be conducted in multiple countries including Canada and EU.

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Snr. Talent Acquisition Partner, Devoteam / 1786/CLOSED

Are you interested in taking the talent acquisition strategy to the next level and being a part of a skilled and dedicated team in the People & Culture organisation.? Devoteam is expanding and will double the number of employees in the coming years, and you will play a key role in this achievement.

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QA Specialist, Manufacturing, BK Medical / 1784 / CLOSED

You are willing to make a difference together with ambitious and talented colleagues. You will participate in different projects and as a Partner for Manufacturing drive continuous improvement of process and product quality and performance. You also align local systems with corporate quality management systems. As a company with very high expectations to Quality and Regulatory compliance, you are committed to excel in an environment with these important focus areas.

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Lead Automationsingeniør ABB Sattline / ABB 800xA, AFRY / 1781

I rollen som Lead vil du blive involveret i meget spændende projekter og indgå i et team med engagerede og kompetente ABB Sattline/ ABB 800xA automationsingeniører. Der er stor vidensdeling og samarbejde på tværs i organisationen. I AFRY vil du få en bred kontaktflade både internt og eksternt, hvor du indgår i dialog og opgaveløsning på tværs og med mange interessante stakeholders herunder andre automationsspecialister dels kompetente og erfarne IT-ingeniører, QA-medarbejdere og procesingeniører.

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Process Specialist with experience in Solid Feed Drying, GEA / 1782 / CLOSED

You will join an international team of highly skilled colleagues, having expertise in all the technologies involved in Dairy & Food Drying and you will be part of the Center of Competence Dairy & Food Ingredients of GEA. As Process Specialist, Solid Feed Drying you will become a key player in ensuring, that GEA maintain a leading position providing solutions and technologies to Dairy & Food customers worldwide. After an introduction to the position, you will support the global sales teams, ensuring that proposed and delivered Solid Feed Dryer Plants are fulfilling customers’ requirements. You will actively be involved in the validation of plant performance and optimization of process conditions for improved product quality and plant efficiency. For their internal technology development projects, you will be a key contributor providing dairy products and process knowhow.

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Senior Procesingeniører inden for Pharma & Life Science, AFRY / 1780 / CLOSED

I samarbejde med kunder og kollegaer, løser du afvekslende og udfordrende arbejdsopgaver – primært i projektteams - sekundært som konsulent tilknyttet en bestemt kunde inden for dit fagområde. Projekterne kan være alt fra mindre projekter, der eksekveres på få måneder til større projekter, der løber over flere år og hvor du indgår i alle projektfaser.

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QA Manager, QA Commercial Operations, Ascendis Pharma / 1783 / CLOSED

You will act in close collaboration with several external Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and process SMEs internally at Ascendis Pharma. It is expected that you find solutions and that you can think out of the box within your area of responsibility. You go through different processes to drive the area most effectively for the team and the company. The team is characterized by strong cooperation, high quality, result orientation and speedy realizations of the goals in an entrepreneurial and sometimes hectic environment. You are given the opportunity to put your mark on the job in a rapid growing company, where you get the chance to make great results. You will be referring to the Director, QA Commercial Drug Substance.

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Senior Quality Assurance Engineers Innovative products, Medical Devices, BK Medicals/ 1779/CLOSED

You are willing to make a difference together with ambitious and talented colleagues. You will participate in different projects as Senior QA Engineer for Quality & Regulatory compliance. As a company with very high expectations to Quality and Regulatory compliance, you are committed to excel in an environment with these important focus areas. BK Medical offers an exciting job in an international company with great influence and responsibility. Your contributions will be valued and define how you are going to work in the future.

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QA Manager & QP, Orkla Care / 1778/CLOSED

Du vil få din daglige gang på GMP-produktionen i Lynge. Det er en produktion, som medarbejderne er stolte af, og hvor der arbejdes tæt sammen på tværs for at optimere både kvalitet, effektivitet, arbejdsmiljø og bæredygtighed. Du kan her se frem til en arbejdsplads, hvor alle kender hinanden, og hvor der er et godt sammenhold. Fabrikken beskæftiger ca. 40 medarbejdere og der arbejdes meget fokuseret på at fremstille produkter, der lever op til kundernes høje forventninger til kvalitet.

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Area Account Manager, Askalon / 1777 / CLOSED

Primary purpose of the Area Account Manager is to work in conjunction with Internal Sales to achieve sales targets by selling and supporting Askalon’ s products and services to existing accounts and generating new business within a business segmented territory/industry.

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Executive Assistant, Synklino/ 1774 / CLOSED

Synklino er ledet af Adm. Dir. Thomas Kledal, der sammen med meget erfarne biotek-folk, skal bringe deres nye lægemiddelkandidat frem til forsøgsresultater i mennesker. Samarbejdet i virksomheden er præget af engagement og ambitioner, videnskabelig soliditet og en passion for at gøre en forskel for patienter med kroniske virusinfektioner. Der er meget stor fokus på teamwork, og ikke mindst på at behandle hinanden og alle involverede interessenter med hjælpsomhed, ordentlighed og respekt.

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Junior Account Manager, Medical Device, PRENT / 1775/ CLOSED

Is innovation and B2B project sales a part of your DNA and ambition? Are you motivated by creating long-term relations to the largest Medical Device companies in the world - then we would very much like to meet you – as this is a unique opportunity for the development of your career in a company where you are hired for attitude and trained for skills!

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Systems Sales Development Consultant – Investment Projects, Merck Millipore / 1772/CLOSED

On behalf of Merck Millipore, Best Talent is now looking for a Systems Sales Development Consultant – Investment Projects for an international role. The position will continue the transition to build a self-sufficient, sustainable, and impactful sales development specialists team within EMEA. You will actively seek and evaluate new project opportunities and build robust and sustainable relationships with A&E network in EMEA, ensuring early adoption of Merck portfolio of Systems, Services and Technologies. The position requires a high degree of interaction with customer and A&E structures in conjunction with sales and key stakeholder partners throughout the organization. You use your strong technical background by supporting, streamlining, and developing Integrated Solutions for Investment Projects – Early Engineering phases for such projects and pitching consultancy services.

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Finance Manager, Synklino / 1771/ CLOSED

Would you like a unique opportunity to take part in building a strong finance function in a valuable anti-viral Biotech company heading for an IPO? Synklino recently initiated development of the first drug candidate and are conducting pre-clinical studies and process development. You will be responsible for the finance function and the outsourced accounting. This, as well as and not least business controlling with your colleagues in the R&D and other functions. You will also be involved in investor relations and investor communication. It is also essential that you are able to support management in preparation of the annual reports and quarterly updates to Synklino investors.

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Head of Clinical Outcomes, Medical Devices, BK Medical / 1770/CLOSED

Do you also love clinical data, and would you like to lead all clinical study activities for super exciting surgical imaging systems to improve surgical outcomes? You will be joining a brand-new clinical function under development. As Head of Clinical Outcomes you will drive planning and execution of especially premarket Clinical Investigation in accordance with ISO 14155 but also PMCF clinical surveys, to generate the needed evidence.

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Vedligeholdsingeniør GMP, Syntese / 1769 / CLOSED

Dit primære arbejdsområde er tekniske projektopgaver med fokus på projektledelse, specificering og indkøb. Deres produktionsanlæg skal sikres en høj oppetid og et væsentligt bidrag er derfor optimalt vedligehold af dette. Dit primære arbejdsområde er derfor optimering af eksisterende arbejdsprocedurer, instruktioner, opdatering og harmonisering af eksisterende dokumentation. Dette for at deres nuværende vedligeholdelsessystem og arbejdsgange gøres klar til implementering af et nyt system (OneERP). Dette skal ske i samarbejde med vedligeholdsteknikerne, vedligeholdschefen og vedligeholdsingeniøren. Du formår at koble din tekniske viden med din forståelse for EHS og cGPM samtidig med, at du løser dine opgaver på en måde, hvor du anvender såvel data som LEAN værktøjer. Du har en bred samarbejdsflade internt til f.eks. produktionen og kvalitetsafdelingen.

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GMP-Project Coordinator, GEA / 1765/ CLOSED

I rollen som GMP-Project-Assistant bliver du en del af kvalificeringsgruppen hos GEA Pharma team. Gruppen fungerer som en vigtig supportfunktion, der understøtter de igangværende kundeprojekter samt de ansvarlige projektledere. Du vil assistere projektledere med mindre administrative opgaver samt rådgivning inden for dokumentering. Desuden vil du supportere med indsamling af kvalificeringsdokumentation til vores FAT-dokumentationspakke for både Pharma og fødevareanlæg.

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Maskiningeniør, Syntese / 1768/CLOSED

Dit primære arbejdsområde er tekniske projektopgaver med fokus på specificering, indkøb og implementering. Anlægsdokumentation samt ændrings-, afvigelses- og CAPA-sager i cGMP standard er ligeledes et vigtigt arbejdsområde. Du kommer med en positiv attitude drevet af ønsket om robuste holdbare løsninger der sikre optimal produktion med høj oppetid. Dette sikres af din grundighed og din sparring med kollegaer. Du er erfaren i teknisk mekanisk troubleshoot og meget gerne også indenfor metrologi ligesom styringsforståelse er et plus. Du er vant til at finde løsninger, udarbejde dokumentation, også f.eks. instruktioner og checklister. Du bliver en vigtig spiller i forhold til den løbende udvikling af afdelingens GMP-mindset gerne med en risikobaseret tilgang.

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Projektleder Maskiningeniør, Syntese / 17677/CLOSED

Dit primære arbejdsområde er tekniske projektopgaver i forhold til specificering, indkøb og implementering. Du kommer med en positiv attitude drevet af ønsket om implementering af robuste holdbare løsninger, der sikrer optimal produktion med høj oppetid. Du følger op og evner at få dine kollegaer i samarbejde. Du er erfaren i teknisk mekanisk troubleshooting og meget gerne også inden for metrologi, ligesom styringsforståelse er et plus. Du er vant til at finde løsninger og du bliver en vigtig spiller i forhold til den løbende udvikling af afdelingens GMP-mindset med en risikobaseret tilgang.

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Project Engineer, GEA / 1766/CLOSED

I rollen som Project Engineer bliver du en del af teamet for ”Execution Chemical Drying”. På forskellige projekter vil du, sammen med dine kollegaer, bidrage med dine tekniske færdigheder og viden. Rollen kræver, at du kan træffe tekniske beslutninger og indgå aftaler med kunder og leverandører under hensyntagen til budgetter og kontrakter. Grundet de strenge rammer og krav til dokumentation i et farmaceutisk miljø arbejder du struktureret og håndterer en høj grad af detaljer.

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Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Medical Devices, BK Medical / 1763/CLOSED

Do you want to secure safe and effective new products for Health Care Providers utilizing intraoperative ultrasound imaging around the globe? It is a new position in a rapidly increasing organization and on behalf of BK Medical, Best Talent is now looking for a Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist with drive and energy to join the Regulatory Affairs team. You will be part of the global team who is situated in Denmark (Herlev), USA (Boston) and in China (Shanghai).

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Senior Statistical Programmer, Ferring Pharmaceuticals / 1762/CLOSED

If you like to put your statistical programming skills and mindset into actions and you are looking for a clearly not-average job as a Senior Statistical Programmer, you have it here. You will be part of a dynamic team of 4 highly motivated programmers and +15 external consultants in a stimulating international research environment, where high influence on the working processes can be gained.

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CMC Project Director, Synklino / 1760 7CLOSED

Do you think strategically, and can you act operationally? Would you like a unique opportunity to take part in building a strong and valuable anti-viral Biotech company heading for an IPO?

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Project Manager Technical Project Execution in the Pharmaceutical industry, GEA/ 1755/CLOSED

As Project Manager you will be responsible for one or more projects, primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from hand over from sale to the final takeover of the plant according to the GEA Project Management Plan. You will facilitate the installation and take the lead in the and qualification of the plant. As Project Manager you work in a complex field where the job requires dialogue with clients based on your technical know-how and interest in solving technical challenges and finding solutions for and together with the clients first phase as well as on site.

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Senior Medical Device Scientist Usability Engineering & Design Control, ALK / 1761/ CLOSED

As Senior Medical Device Scientist, you will work with Usability Engineering and Design Control. You will be joining a team of medical device engineers and scientists working in the cross-field between device development, production transfer and technical support to the production site. The position requires extensive experience with development of medical devices with focus on design control and usability.

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Account Manager Denmark– Process Solutions, Merck Life Science / 1758 / CLOSED

On behalf of Merck Life Science, Best Talent is now looking for an Account Manager Denmark– Process Solutions. The Account Manager is responsible for the sales revenues and the position focuses on continually sales growth through existing and new customers and supports the awareness of the portfolio throughout the field. Your focus will be on several Biopharmaceutical & Pharmaceutical manufacturing customers in Denmark. You will drive the business forward within this territory.

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Account Manager Sweden - Process Solutions, Merck Life Science / 1757/CLOSED

Your focus will be on Biopharmaceutical & Pharmaceutical manufacturing customers in Sweden. You will drive the business forward, leading key strategic projects within this territory, coordinating customer support functions. You must have in-depth knowledge of the entire Pharma Processing product line, including Filters, Single Use, Cell Culture Media, Biological, Dry Powder & Liquid Buffers & GMP process chemicals used in customer’s Biological & Pharmaceutical production processes. This will allow you to provide tailored & experts advise to customers and help them meet their objectives.

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Senior Design Control Engineer, Design Control and Risk Management, ALK / 1759/ CLOSED

As Senior Design Control Engineer, you will be joining a team of medical device engineers and scientists working in the cross-field between device development, production transfer and technical support to the production site. The position requires extensive experience with development of medical devices with focus on design control and risk management. The position is an opportunity to contribute to the development and documentation aspects of the Life Saving Device, a drug device-combination-product. You are responsible for the risk management activities, as they move from project initiation through development and testing, manufacturing, global submission, and commercialization.

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Senior HR Director, HR Denmark, Ferring / 1756/CLOSED

If you excel within HR strategy and you are looking for a job with maximum impact and influence, this is what you want. You will head a team of 12 highly skilled and dedicated people in the HR organisation. You must lead the HR function in a cross functional way- meaning supporting local management and department heads on all HR related matters and issues by providing input, guidance, and coaching. The Senior Director is head of the HR department and an active member of the Leadership Team at Ferring IPC. You will be responsible for the development and execution of the local HR strategy in support of the overall business plan; strategic direction; succession plans; organizational and performance management as well as learning development, and payroll, compensation and benefits. You must provide leadership by articulating HR needs and plans to stakeholders and be a strategic partner to drive the Ferring People agenda for the site.

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Lead Scientist, Global STA, Royal DSM/Glycom / 1752 / CLOSED

The successful candidate will lead DSM’s global scientific advocacy for Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) for all life stages. Particular focus will be in the Early Life Nutrition (ELN) segment, which includes infants, young children, children, and maternal nutrition. You will develop scientific substantiation for the nutritional suitability and health benefits of HMOs and other DSM ingredients and solutions in order to support business and regulatory objectives. In collaboration with internal and external stakeholders you will also develop science-based value propositions related to HMOs, alone or in combination with other ingredients, and will help to advance them with global customers and into the regional markets.

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Head of Biology Group Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Early Life Nutrition, Royal DSM/Glycom / 1751/ CLOSED

As Head of Biology Group, you will be a key part of our diverse team in Hørsholm. You will lead the HMO Biology Group and be responsible for driving the strategy for research activities and innovation areas within Human Milk Oligosaccharides, for both infant and adult applications. You will work cross functionally and lead collaboration efforts with Innovation, Regulatory, Marketing, Commercial, IP stakeholders across DSM to deliver business and scientific projects and to ensure technical competence development.

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Section Manager, Electrical Engineering, AFRY / 1750 / CLOSED

Som Section Manager for Electrical Engineering, kan du lide udfordringer og tager et stort ansvar for dine medarbejderes udvikling og trivsel. Du er en forretningsorienteret teamspiller, der har ekspertise og erfaring på forretningsområdet med et stærkt ønske om at fortsætte med at udvikle kunderelationer og organisationen yderligere. Du får mulighed for at skabe dit helt eget hold og for at rekruttere nye medarbejdere til din gruppe, da AFRY er en virksomhed i stærk vækst. Til daglig arbejdes der i små enheder, hvilket giver fleksibilitet og mulighed for at præge virksomheden. Samtidigt kan man trække på de ressourcer, som findes spredt ud over AFRYs store organisation. Du får derfor en bred kontaktflade med de øvrige Section Managers og andre enheder i AFRY. Her vil du hurtigt opdage den uformelle stemning og det gode kollegaskab, som gør AFRY til en attraktiv arbejdsplads.

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Associate Director/Director of Safety Surveillance, Y-mAbs / 1749/ CLOSED

You will join Y-mAbs at an exciting time as they have already established a broad and advanced product pipeline, including one FDA approved product, DANYELZA® (naxitamab-gqgk), and one pivotal-stage product candidate, omburtamab, for which a BLAs and MAA have been submitted. As an Associate Director/Director of Safety Surveillance your responsibility will be to develop and successfully execute the safety surveillance strategy both within clinical trials and post- marketing for assigned products. You will apply your strong safety knowledge and skills in all aspects of surveillance, including signal detection and evaluation, authoring safety-related documents, and providing expert input into the safety monitoring and risk management strategies for clinical studies and programs.

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QC Specialist with Project Manager skills, Ascendis Pharma / 1747 / CLOSED

You will as QC specialist be responsible for keeping QC oversight of starting materials and intermediates produced and analysed at CMOs. You will be reporting to the Director, QC Linker Carrier and join a team of highly experienced and social colleagues working together to obtain the best results in a timely manner. Criteria of success in this role is efficient and timely coordination of analytical activities for the commercial manufacturing of starting materials and intermediates for TransCon Growth Hormone Manufacturing and TransCon parathyroid Hormone. You are expected actively to contribute with your analytical knowledge to further build up Ascendis QC-Linker Carrier capabilities and to take ownership for establishing and maintaining a successful and smooth collaboration with Ascendis colleagues and the CMOs.

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Business Development Manager, CelVivo / 1748 /CLOSED

Your desire and ability to develop sales within a new technology is important. The system developed, produced and marketed by CelVivo has a great potential with the field of 3D cell culture. This new technology have shown unparallel resemblance with in vivo conditions. You will be given the opportunity to influence the development where you introduce this new technology to the market. The role is a key role with focus on direct sales, follow up and training of customers and distributions partners worldwide. The customers will be approached by you and followed up by competent Application Specialists in close collaboration.

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Area Sales Manager, Life Sciences, BU Øresund region, AFRY/1746

Are you the one to join AFRY in their ambition to make a difference? Can you think strategically, create coherence cross the sectors and secure the continued favourable commercial development within the full line of business mentioned above in new and existing sales areas? The Business Unit, BU Øresund, is focused on delivering successful projects and professional consultancy assignments within the Life Science sector. Together with the Business Unit Manager you have the opportunity to drive the strategic sales across the organisation in the Life Science business with both existing and new customer relationships in the Öresund Region and also at international organisations with Headquarter & organisations in the region.

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QA Manager, QA Commercial Operations, Ascendis Pharma / 1745 /CLOSED

You will act in a close collaboration with several external Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and process SMEs internally at Ascendis Pharma. It is expected that you find solutions and that you can think out of the box within your area of responsibility. You go through different processes to drive the area most effectively for the team and the company. The team is characterized by high quality, result orientation and speedy realizations of the goals in an entrepreneurial environment.

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Process Specialist / GEA / 1744 / CLOSED

As a Process Specialist you will be part of a team responsible for process and plant design specifications of drying technologies where you support the sales team in quotation preparation and the project team throughout the project phase. As a Process Specialist you work in a complex field where both a technical know-how, analytical skills, and a commercial mindset are important factors and given in this role.

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2 Project Managers Technical Project Execution, GEA/1743 / CLOSED

As a Project Manager you will be responsible for one or more projects primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from contract negotiations to the final takeover of the plant according to the GEA Project Management plan. You will facilitate the installation and take the lead in the commissioning of the plant.

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Senior Technical Application Consultant Upstream, Scandinavia, Merck Life Science/1742 / CLOSED

On behalf of Merck Life Science, Best Talent is now looking for a Senior Technical Application Consultant Upstream, Scandinavia. Leveraging your technical expertise from cell line generation to manufacturing of GMP cell culture media and supplements.

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Head of Engineering, Syntese / 1737/CLOSED

Syntese has as a global important API provider within Pharma GMP great potential, and you will be a valuable member of the Management Team in the development of the company. As the new Head of Engineering, you will be responsible for leading and developing your team and employees.

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2 Area Account Managers, Johnson & Johnson / 1741/CLOSED

Som Area Account Manager får du ansvar for salg af et spændende og alsidigt produktsortiment inden for blød kirurgi. Du skal skabe vækst og udvikle området ved at møde kunderne proaktivt og velforberedt ved hjælp af personlige møder, uddannelse og træning. Du planlægger, prioriterer og gennemfører selvstændigt alle salgsaktiviteter på en række hospitaler i dit distrikt. Der er tale om et krævende job med mange bolde i luften. Kundegruppen er stor og spænder fra sygeplejersker til ledende overlæger på forskellige afdelinger og operationsgangen inden for de relevante kirurgiske specialer. Du vil endvidere blive involveret i alle aspekter af udbudsprocessen i tæt samarbejde med salgschefer/produktchefer og virksomhedens Bids & Tender afdeling.

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Medical Scientific Liaison Dermo aesthetic, IBSA / 1740 / CLOSED

IBSA aims at developing market share by its state-of-the-art products in a combination with even stronger communication to the market. This calls for extending the organisation by engaging a highly skilled Medical Science Liaison (MSL) to cover the Nordics within the Dermo aesthetic area. The role is a field-based position co-responsible for the relationship with IBSA Nordic KOL Team and for the scientific information and the appropriate utilization of specific IBSA medical devices and products within the assigned therapeutic area. The MSL will support development of the Medical Sciences Plan by using a scientific approach aligned with the overall commercial strategy, therapeutic area objectives and an in-depth understanding of the vision. The MSL will need to be a credible and valued scientific resource in a variety of scientific interactions with key stakeholders across assigned regions. The primary role is to build and foster strong relationships with KOLs in the therapeutic area, support education and training of internal as well as external parties and to bridge scientific communication to stakeholders. You will report to the Nordic Managing Director and work in close cooperation with Sales & Marketing Manager.

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Business Systems Manager – clinical trial management, Ferring / 1739/ CLOSED

Do you bring solid experience from working with GxP IT systems in the pharma business? Are you at the same time looking for an opportunity to bring all of your skills into play in a role where your knowledge and ideas are just as appreciated as expected? If so, you now have the chance to influence our future way of handling our new clinical trial management system, Veeva Vault – how we work with Vault Clinical and secure on-going optimisations. You can look forward to being part of an organisation that believes good ideas need room and nourishment to flourish.

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Technical Engineer Automotive, Americhem / 1736 / CLOSED

Lead the product design activity to ensure timely and accurate completion of tasks. To be a direct communication link between the lab, the plant, sales, and the customer to ensure appropriate product design, process uniformity and product quality.

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Market Director, AlfaNordic / 1738 / CLOSED

NIRAS er en af Nordeuropas førende rådgivende ingeniørvirksomheder. Pharma og Life Science området i NIRAS er i rivende udvikling. Og det er Pharma og Lifescience industrien også. NIRAS består af ca. 2400 højt kvalificerede eksperter, som bl.a. rådgiver danske og globale Life Science virksomheder. AlfaNordic er en forretningsenhed i NIRAS, der rådgiver med fokus på consulting inden for bl.a. validering, kvalitet, produktionssupport, projektledelse m.m. i danske og internationale Pharma og Life Science virksomheder. Vores ekspertise områder er Pharma, Medical Devices, medicinal cannabis, Food, Cosmetics samt talentudvikling inden for disse nævnte områder.

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Quality Manager, Americhem / 1735 / CLOSED

Som Quality Manager får du en spændende og varieret hverdag i en virksomhed, hvor der er korte kommandoveje. Du bliver en del af de strategiske overvejelser, fordi det bliver dit ansvar at sætte en compliant retning for implementeringen af nyt QA System både i forhold til de eksisterende standarder ISO 9001, ISO 14001, samt implementering af ISO 13845. Du vil også få ansvaret for kunde & interne auditeringer, håndtere Controlled Polymers A/S kalibrering og måling af systemanalyse processer og håndtering af ”Customer Complaint” og øvrige databaser. Du får et udfordrende og selvstændigt job, hvor rollen giver dig en stor og tværgående kontaktflade til hele organisationen.

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2 Account Managers, Merck Life Science / 1732 / CLOSED

On behalf of Merck Life Science, Best Talent is now looking for 2 Account Managers for sales of process GMP to big pharma. The 2 Account Managers will have separate client responsibility in a growing market. You will be working at the heart of the business with few big clients, where you are the primary point of contact for generating business within the segment Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing in Denmark.

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Senior Validation Analyst, Zealand Pharma / 1733/ CLOSED

We are in search of a skilled and experienced Senior Validation Analyst, who will support the IT team with compliance activities for the life-cycle management of infrastructure systems.

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Service Technician, Denmark & Sweden, Büchi Labortechnik AG / 1734/CLOSED

Büchi Labortechnik AG, the market leader within solutions for laboratory rotary evaporation, experiences great success also in the Nordics. A new role has therefore been created to be able to provide direct and outstanding service in Denmark and Sweden primarily covering the Øresund region.

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Global Regulatory Affairs Manager, Medical Devices, Ferring / 1730 / CLOSED

You can expect to be working according to highest standards of current practice in order to fulfill the company’s needs for data acceptable worldwide. Reporting to the Associate Director for Medical Devices, you will be the new Global Regulatory Affairs project team member providing regulatory Medical Device expertise and strategy. You ensure the required Medical Device certification and project support enabling global submissions and approval of medicinal products. You will work closely with the Global RA Product Manager in the Global Regulatory Project Team and the subsequent Medical Device and drug product teams.

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Cross Functional CMC/Safety Toxicologist, Ascendis Pharma / 1729 / CLOSED

On behalf of our client Ascendis Pharma, Best Talent is now looking for a Cross Functional CMC/Safety Toxicologist. You will be a central part in supportive toxicological/safety evaluation work of all Ascendis Pharma’s development projects.

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Systems Sales Engineer Denmark, Emerson / 1727 / CLOSED

As a proactive Systems Sales Engineer, you will be working at the heart of the business. By creating leads and sales opportunities you will interact with prestigious companies and organizations in Denmark and in cooperation with the team, you create state-of-the-art solutions for our customers. At the same time, you will join a company where you can learn from the best engineers in the industry. You will be promoting and helping customers to monitor, control and protect new and existing clients with safety and process control systems and digital transformation software.

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Project Manager, Unilabs / 1728 / CLOSED

Make a difference by Serving Pharma As a central and specialty laboratory (GLP & GCP / GCLP) Unilabs provides a variety of services for the pharmaceutical industry, Biotech’s, CROs and the Danish Health Care.

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Senior QA Manager, QA Commercial Operations, Ascendis Pharma / 1726 / CLOSED

You will act in a close collaboration with several external Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and process- and QC SMEs internally at Ascendis Pharma. It is expected that you find solutions and that you can think out of the box within your area of responsibility. You go through different processes to drive the area most effectively for the team and the company. The team is characterized by high quality, result orientation and speedy realizations of the goals in an entrepreneurial environment.

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Business Unit Manager Food & Pharma, Öresund Region, AFRY / 1725 / CLOSED

The Business Unit has great growth potential, and you have the opportunity to become the next valuable member of the Management Team. As the new Business Unit Manager, you will lead the development of the Life Science business with both existing and new customer relationships in the Öresund Region. Furthermore, you will be responsible for leading and developing your team and employees.

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Senior Immunoassay Scientist, Aligned Bio / 1724 / CLOSED

The job of the Senior Immunoassay Scientist will be to drive the further development and optimization of Aligned Bio’s nanowire-based products at the scientific and technical level. The Scientist will also assist in developing the strategy for the implementation of those products in the market. In addition, the Immunoassay Scientist will work with customers to integrate and optimize Aligned Bio nanowire platforms with the customers’ existing applications.

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Director of Product Technology, Aligned Bio / 1723 / CLOSED

The job of the Director of Product Technology is to continue defining Aligned Bio’s nanowire-based products while leading the strategy for the implementation of those products. In addition to product definition, the role includes working with the regional sales directors to target and support key customers, determine the appropriate technical marketing strategy and presenting at technical conferences. The Director of Product Technology will manage Aligned Bio’s Immunoassay Development Scientist as it relates to both the company’s internal development work and joint development work with customers. Eventually, the Director of Product Technology will be tasked with managing the Biomarker’s product P&L.

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Senior Scientist Cell Culture - Tech Transfer, FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies/ 1722 / CLOSED

You are an experienced Cell Culture Scientist who can provide engineering and scientific leadership to support clinical and/or commercial processes in the area of cell culture operations. In this position you will interact with cross functional departments to ensure a successful and smooth tech transfer of new products into their facility.

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Application Manager, CelVivo / 1720 / CLOSED

Your desire and ability to develop sales within a new technology is important. Based on the culturing cells in 3D the system has great potential. Based on a technology where cell models grow with this new technology have shown unparallel resemblance with in vivo conditions. You will be given the opportunity to influence the development where you introduce this new technology to the market. The role therefore consists of more functions like direct sales, product demos, applications and training of customers and distribution partners in the Nordics.

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Senior Programmer, Pharma Automation, Syntese / 1721 / CLOSED

Syntese A/S står overfor en spændende rejse og er i løbende udvikling. I forhold til denne rolle, skal der udvides på sitet. Virksomheden står derfor også overfor en vigtig opgradering af det eksisterende SattLine system som bliver en integreret opgave i såvel den eksisterende produktion samt i udbygningen. Dette medfører naturligt øget automatisering af processerne i produktionen, hvor du vil få en nøglerolle. Du vil ligeledes stå for implementering af programmer og hardware til såvel eksisterende som nye enheder. Dette betyder også, at du er helt fortrolig med værktøjer som Change Request, URS, FDS, testprotokoller, UAT og testrapporter. Hos Syntese A/S er driften meget vigtig og du tilbydes en central rolle i forhold til de automatiksystemer, der understøtter produktionen. I samarbejde med en kollega, bliver du ansvarlig for at sikre stabilitet ved din løbende support til produktionen. På denne måde er du garant for, sammen med din kollega, at sikre at driften kan pågå 24/7.

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Finance Manager, Syntese / 1719 / AFSLUTTET

You will play a key role driving change initiatives while also leading the change of the business improvement program. The role offers great opportunities to contribute with process improvements, cost savings and driving a cultural change for the better of the company. The role will provide huge opportunities to evolve the business and for developing your own skills. As the head of Finance, IT and Procurement you will be responsible for a small team of 4 colleagues, consisting of a Controller, a Direct Procurement Manager and 2 people in IT. You will also work closely with our outsourcing partner for all accounting activities. You will need to combine financial knowledge with strong business acumen and strong change management mindset. You will likely have about 10 years of financial experience with product costing in a manufacturing site which is very important. It could be from a GMP regulated industry. You support HQ/Corporate Finance in the implementation of corporate finance programs, processes and procedures which are to be locally applied. Your goal should be to help the company achieve its strategy and targets by delivering on commitments for the change program and helping the company deliver on an ambitious growth strategy.

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QA Projektleder, Nomeco / 1718 / AFSLUTTET

Som QA Projektleder får du en spændende og varieret hverdag i en virksomhed, hvor der er korte kommandoveje. Du bliver en del af de strategiske overvejelser, fordi det som QA Workstream Lead på SAP-projektet, bliver dit ansvar at sætte en compliant retning for implementeringen. Du får et udfordrende og selvstændigt job, hvor rollen giver dig en meget stor og tværgående kontaktflade til hele organisationen.

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Life Science Ventures Associate, Sunstone Life Science Ventures / 1716 / CLOSED

In this challenging position you will have the opportunity to take part in activities which potentially can change or save the life of patients. You will participate in the investment proces in one of the most exciting and profitable industries. You will continue to learn about human biology and talk to leading medical experts and doctors from all over the world. You will meet and work with highly talented and courageous entrepreneurs who manage to fund and develop new companies. Your week will consist of many different tasks and you will be involved in analyzing and forming opinions about the newest therapies, modalities and intrepetration of pathologies. You work with and support the investment team to analyze and present the investment opportunities, helping to ensure a process that leads to optimal investments.

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Senior Project Manager, Unilabs / 1715 / AFSLUTTET

As a central and specialty laboratory (GLP & GCP / GCLP) Unilabs provides a variety of services for the pharmaceutical industry, Biotech’s, CROs and the Danish Health Care. As a Project Manager for the Serving Pharma unit you are responsible, in cooperation with customers, for the set-up, procedure and method transfer, validations, clinical studies and commercial projects, e.g. Companion Diagnostics, across the CoE. Unilabs wants to strengthen their growth by working towards a PMO organization. In achieving this goal, your knowledge and personality will be a very important contributor and you will have a lot of responsibility and influence on implementing new best practices and tools for project management.

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Manufacturing Scientist, FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies/ 1712 / CLOSED

Experienced Manufacturing Scientist who can provide engineering and scientific leadership to support clinical and/or commercial processes in the area of protein purification operations. The Purification Team is part of the Process Sciences department which provide scientific leadership to support clinical and commercial processes. Process Sciences operate in areas of cell culture and protein purification operations, and act as lead on technology transfer teams and investigation teams. The department continuously strives to identify opportunities to improve systems and practices and provide direction to the manufacturing group as well as technical development teams.

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Kemiker til QC, GMP, Syntese / 1709 / Afsluttet

QC- afdelingen er ansvarlig for at analysere råvarer, mellemprodukter og færdigvarer. Laboratoriet udfører en lang række kemiske analyser, fortrinsvis efter diverse pharmakopéer, og er udstyret med bl.a. HPLC, GC, ICP, UV, IR, m.m. Data rapporteres i LIMS. Afdelingen består i dag af 2 kemikere, 9 laboranter og en Laboratorieassistent. Hovedopgaven er at indgå i afdelingens daglige drift, hvor du supporterer og godkender analyser i et tæt samarbejde med dine kollegaer i teamet. Du udarbejder afvigelser, opdaterer SOP´er og vedligeholder kvalitetssystemerne. Du vil blive involveret i udvikling og validering af metoder samt implementering og kvalificering af analyseudstyr. Du arbejder med daglig trouble-shooting i forbindelse med afvigelse- og OOS-undersøgelser samt ændringssager iht. GMP-krav og deres kvalitetssystemer.

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2 Program Managers, FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies / 1708 / CLOSED

The Program Manager (PM) is accountable for the planning & delivery of programs from the point of contract signature (Scope of Work / Letter of Intent / Contract) through program closure. The PM ensures that the provided services are in alignment with their contracted commitment to clients and the company vision/mission/strategy. As PM your responsibility will also be to develop and successfully execute the contracts according to development/ manufacturing schedules for assigned products. You will achieve this through close collaboration with your other colleagues in the department as well as Stakeholders in other functions. You will drive tasks and projects forward in an active and leading role. The PM typically handles an average load of 4-6 programs and receives coaching, guidance & support from peers and the Head of Program Management.

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Associate Director/Director of Global Clinical Drug Safety, Y-mAbs / 1707 / CLOSED

You will join Y-mAbs at an exciting time as they have already established a broad and advanced product pipeline, including two pivotal-stage product candidates, for which the company’s first BLAs have been submitted. As Associate Director/Director your responsibility will be to develop and successfully execute the safety surveillance strategy for assigned products.

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Produktionschef, HBN-Teknik / 1706 / Afsluttet

Med reference til virksomhedens CEO, får du ansvaret for produktionen, som er opdelt i 3 forskellige afdelinger for henholdsvis skærm-, antispray- og klokkeproduktion. I rollen bliver du en vigtig del af virksomhedens ledergruppe. HBN-Teknik A/S producerer 24/7 med 3-holdsskift alle hverdage og weekendskift i en del af produktionen. Du indtager en nøglerolle og bliver et vigtigt omdrejningspunkt for den plasttekniske produktion og produktionsudvikling, ligesom en vigtig del af dit ansvarsområde bliver at sikre fortsat udvikling og forankring af viden og kompetencer i virksomheden.

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Director of Bioanalytical Services, Svar Life Science / 1705 / CLOSED

Your main responsibility will be to lead the bioanalytical team, providing services for pharma, CRO and biotech clients. You will be responsible for a team of 16 employees and involved in the strategy and business plans for Wieslab. You will lead, advice, coach and develop your team, and support them in their role. You will ensure ambitious goals and solutions and follow-up on activities and resources. This includes participation in setting, communicating and following up on goals for the department as well as ensuring continuous development in tools and processes ensuring timely delivery of quality data to clients. You work in close collaboration with the other managers and colleagues across the Svar organization. You will use your scientific knowledge and experience to influence the project decisions across the entire area.

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Senior Scientist Global Drug Discovery, Cellular Immunology, Ferring / 1704 / CLOSED

If you bring a strong background in Cellular Immunology, and if you are looking for a job with major impact, influence and development opportunities, you may be the candidate we are looking for. In Ferring Pharmaceuticals, there is a a long history within the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, and a wish to expand their efforts in order to help more patients worldwide.

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Senior Scientist Global Drug Discovery, Mucosal Immunology, Ferring / 1703 / CLOSED

If your field of expertise is in mucosal immunology and you are looking for an opportunity to make an impact beyond the average, we have just the right job waiting for you. As part of a newly established discovery team you will play a key role in expanding Ferring’s long history of treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

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CMC, Project Manager, Viminco/ 1701, CLOSED

Viminco develops and produces products together with Orifarm, combining Orifarm’s commercial and regulatory know-how with Viminco’s knowledge about pharmaceutical formulation development, analysis and production, starting materials and current legislation to obtain a significant competitive advantage. As Development Project Manager, you will be responsible for managing the scientific and technical work including development project meetings and detailed timeline for the development phase.

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Process Specialist, Viminco / 1702 / AFSLUTTET

Viminco producerer primært tabletter til både generiske og originalprodukter. Tabletterne kan filmcoates eller drageres. På flere kritiske ressourcer har de identisk udstyr, som kan øge fleksibiliteten og robustheden i gennemløbet. Med en produktion på 600 batch om året og mere end 50 forskellige produkter, er deres produktportefølje bred, hvilket giver en effektiv og fleksibel produktionsafvikling. Som Process Specialist bliver du en del af produktionen, som består af 18 operatører og 4 personer på supportkontoret. Dit ansvar bliver at bidrage til at højne standard og gerne løfte den yderligere således, at Viminco kan leve op til deres mål om at levere produkter af den bedste kvalitet. Som Akademiker i produktionen, har du en nøgleposition, hvor du bidrager med din viden inden for GMP og virkelig kan gøre en forskel i form af at finde nye løsninger og ”tænke ud af boksen” ved forskellige problemstillinger

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Business Development Manager Nordic, IDS / 1693 / CLOSED

The Business Development Manager Nordic is responsible for a profitable business in the assigned territory through direct sales, with key focus on ELISA sales and system placements whilst managing additional business partners (agents). This position focuses on continually sales growth through existing and new customers and supports the IDS awareness throughout the field.

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Operational Excellence Specialist, Syntese / Afsluttet

Dit primære ansvarsområde bliver den kontinuerlige påvirkning af organisationen med henblik på oparbejdelsen af en reel leankultur og adfærd, hvor alle medarbejdere har et naturligt fokus på helhedsløsninger og løbende optimeringer. Vores strategi for lean er endnu ikke på plads, men flere leanaktiviteter er igangsat. Din rolle bliver at udvikle en strategi og omsætte denne strategi til praksis. Strategien skal have rødder i Ferring TechOps’ leanstrategi, der tilpasses Synteses behov.

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Product Manager, Svar Life Science / 1697 / CLOSED

You will be part of Commercial Operation and responsible for creating, implementing and manage the near and long-term marketing strategy of your designated product portfolio. You will work primarily with the Svar Complement System and ELISA product areas, focusing on improving customer satisfaction, keeping the products aligned with the organization’s broader strategy and driving business growth.

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2 Project Managers, SME til Equipment Engineering, Bavarian Nordic / 1696 / Afsluttet

For alle projekter gælder, at du er medansvarlig og ansvarlig i alle projektfaserne, og det vil være dig, der efterfølgende er den tekniske support ved tunge problemstillinger. Det er også dig, der præsenterer ved diverse GMP audits, ligesom du også bliver ansvarlig for budget-input i forbindelse med de kommende års projekter i forbindelse med udvidelserne på sitet.

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Project Manager, WPO til Equipment Engineering, Bavarian Nordic / 1695 / Afsluttet

I det pågældende projekt, kommer du til at referere til projektdirektøren i en matrixorganisation. Du vil få et større ansvar for flere forskellige udstyrsunderprojekter. Du bliver overordnet ansvarlig for fremdrift, økonomi og kvalitet. Rollen betyder, at du har flere interne SME´ere til at arbejde for dig og sammen med dig i projekterne. Du bliver en del af projektet, således, at der bliver en naturlig og tæt interaktion mellem dig, projektdirektøren samt de øvrige projektdeltagere, herunder de tilknyttede eksterne konsulenter.

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Project Manager, vaskemaskiner, autoklaver og CIP/SIP anlæg, Bavarian Nordic / 1694 / Afsluttet

I forbindelse med et større projekt, har Bavarian Nordic brug for nye GMP-vaskemaskiner, GMP- Kill-autoklaver og CIP/SIP anlæg. Du vil blive Projektleder og teknisk specialist på disse typer udstyr, hvor du sikrer fremdrift, kvalitet, inddragelse og kommunikation til projektorganisationen samt øvrige interessenter omkring projektet. Du vil blive støttet af projektet og tilhørende konsulent ressourcer.

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Strategic Account Manager, Johnson & Johnson / CLOSED

These tasks require the ability to see the bigger picture and strategically build a strong network with decision makers at different levels of the hospital chain as well as understanding how the customer operates to be able to understand how J&J can bring more value. The SAM role will work across the Sales, Marketing and Value Creating organization to support the other Account Managers and this role will take lead in the tender shaping with focus on evaluation of value and on including new services and solutions. You will be given the opportunity to influence the strategy and maximize profitability in line with the company’s visions and values. You execute plans and strategies to accelerate growth and increase the company’s value offering. The SAM will be part of the Commercial leadership team for Denmark and report to the Danish Country Lead.

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Director and Head of R&D unit, France, Svar Life Science / 1687 / CLOSED

Your main responsibility will be to lead the R&D area and drive or participate in investigations and development projects. Svar Life Science is providing products and services to pharmaceutical, CRO companies, clinical hospital laboratories and providers of diagnostic automated systems.

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Global Key Account Manager, Intomics A/S / 1685 / CLOSED

Your experience and ability to execute will be crucial for the development and growth of this position. You will be part of the Global Sales and Marketing Department and will be involved in maintaining and developing Global Sales Activities. You will be given the opportunity to influence the further development of a successful Danish company that helps the life science sector optimize their use of biomedical data in research and development projects to develop tomorrow's medicines better, faster, and cheaper. Intomics provides customized analyses and solutions that satisfy the needs of each individual customer project and can be relevant in various stages of drug research, such as biomarker discovery and optimization, target identification, drug discovery, patient stratification and translational research. The products also include new unique Data Analysis Tools, Infrastructure elements and Service Projects.

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Global Sales and Marketing Specialist, Intomics A/S /1686 / CLOSED

As Global Sales and Marketing Specialist you will have an important role in supporting the commercial activities of Intomics. Your work will be split between your own personal projects and support for your colleagues in the S&M department. As with all other roles at Intomics, you will work with a high level of freedom to influence the work that you do. At Intomics we focus a lot on working as teams to strengthen the outcome of what we do, and it is important that you get energized from working with others. You will be involved in a range of different projects and have many activities going on at the same time. Therefore, it is important that you know how to plan and prioritize your time to meet agreed deadlines.

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Teknisk Chef, Biofac / 1679 / Afsluttet

Som Teknisk Chef bliver du en del af et dynamisk team, som består af 4 dygtige ingeniører og håndværkere – et team, der også fungerer som sparringspartner for koncernens PT-gruppe, hvor alle arbejder mod fælles mål. Du vil blive en del af teamet med selvstændigt ansvar og stor mulighed for at gøre din faglighed gældende i projekter og primært i det daglige vedligehold og trouble-shooting. Jobbet er alsidigt; fra design, montage og kvalificering til vedligehold af maskinpark og bygninger. Da BIOFAC er en mindre virksomhed, vil en hel naturlig del af arbejdet derfor være både udførende og koordinerende og med ansvar for gruppen.

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2 Automation Engineers SW Development, GEA / 1816 / CLOSED

In this role, your focus will be to engineer and design as well as drive the project management of automation solutions for process plants. Being the main point of contact to the project leads, you are responsible for the delivery of the entire automation solution – both HW and SW.

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Quality Specialist Operation Support Team, Ferrosan Medical Devices / 1853 / CLOSED (1)

Do you want to be part of a company, that makes a difference in surgical care – then grab this opportunity to join Ferrosan Medical Devices. The company is ready to invest in you and will support your development and help you grow your skills. As a QA Specialist you will impact the daily production of their products - the heart of Ferrosan Medical Devices.

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Project Manager Pharmaceutical industry worldwide, GEA / 1859 / CLOSED

As Project Manager in the Pharma group, you will be responsible for selected projects, primarily focusing on spray drying plants and process engineering. Your responsibility will include all aspects of project execution from contract negotiations to the final takeover of the plant. You will also facilitate the installation and take the lead in the commissioning of the plant.

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Senior Project Quality Manager, AFRY / 1839 / CLOSED

As an important part of the team, you are responsible for leading, planning and executing activities within the quality field. You will act as a trusted advisor, both externally towards customers in the role as Senior Project Quality Manager and internally in cross disciplinary Pharma projects. Furthermore, if you have the experience and interest, you could be given the task to act as key person in building the new QMS System within the company.

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